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About Flexpert

We are a company founded in Brazil by German entrepreneur Sven Dinklage. Created in 2011, Flexpert Training was born connecting interculturalities and the ambition to share skills and knowledge with customers.

The team incorporates the diversity we promote as a company: 8 different languages, 5 countries, 7 different passports. Although we are constantly adapting and improving our team, this is a feature that we are proud to establish as a priority when hiring new members and we will work to maintain this level of diversity.


We offer tailor-made training and coaching in a variety of areas including Leadership, Project Management, Lean Production and Management, Intercultural Skills and International Project Support for individuals, teams or executive and academic companies. We work both physically and online, on a global scale.

We believe that each person has unique talents, and our mission is to help our clients reach their maximum potential.


The Team

Meet the Flexpert team


Sven Dinklage

CEO & Executive Coach & Facilitator

Founder of Flexpert, Sven, besides being a facilitator, also acts as General Director and Coach. Originally from Germany, Sven has extensive professional and international experience. Areas of expertise: Leadership Training, Team Building, Coaching and Interculturality.
Languages: DE, EN, PT, SP.

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